If you are in the market to buy or sell Queen Anne Seattle real estate, knowing the current market conditions can help you navigate the transaction successfully. As a seller you can know what to expect as far as what is appropriate for pricing, days on market, etc. As a buyer you can get an idea of how much you will spend and what your negotiation power is with the price points. Using a Queen Anne Seattle realtor is necessary as they can get you this information as well as help you get through any bumps that my pop up throughout the listing or buying process. So how is this particular neighborhood doing? Let’s take a look!
The average sales price for Queen Anne Seattle real estate is up 7.6% at $782,259 while the median is up 28.7% at $625,000. Unlike it’s neighbors in Magnolia, the new listings and the homes for sale have seen a decrease. The new listings have gone down 9.3% while the homes for sale have gone down 41.7%. The pending sales and closed sales have gone up slightly between 2%-3%. The median days on market is 8 while the average is 22. The percentage of list price is 104.4%, which means the average home is not only getting full price but over. Which makes sense as the month supply is less than 1 at 0.8. A balanced Queen Anne Seattle real estate market needs a 6 month supply. If you are looking for a Queen Anne Seattle realtor to help you navigate this current competitive market, give me a call. I would be happy to help!